First-Year Seminar (FYS)


As part of the General Education Program, we are proud to offer all first-year students the opportunity to explore in depth academic topics selected by professors representing a variety of disciplines

Acclimating to Â鶹ԭ´´ and Academia

These First-Year Seminars (FYS), limited to twenty students each, are designed to provide an introduction to the academic world and to our community, and to help students advance with confidence as Â鶹ԭ´´ scholars.​

Fall 2024 First-Year Seminars (as of 7/30/24)

FYS 100-01 (10120) Tu/Th 10–11:50 am Shock Tactics: Drama as Action (Abbotson)

Throughout history, rulers have viewed the communal opportunity offered by theater as a dangerous form of communication and have striven to censor anything perceived as threatening the social order. Students will explore socio-cultural boundaries enforced and broken by drama from the Greeks to contemporary works, as playwrights provoked attention toward a variety of inequities and wrongs. Protest drama is by its very nature shocking, but can it go too far, does it still work, and can we create some of our own? Requirements include active participation in discussion, class presentations, an independent research assignment, a short paper (3-5 pages) and a final group presentation.

FYS 100-02 (10121) Tu/Th 12–1:50 pm Talkies and More: The Social Context of Cinema in America (Chaudhurri)

In this class we look at some recent Hollywood films and how their storytelling is relevant to an American way of life in 2023. Our notion of reality is influenced by entertainment whether it's music, web series or feature films.  Films specifically helps connect our society to various others, and helps cultivate what we call the global sociological imagination. Based on a select list of films we have fun analyzing concepts including but not limited to race, gender, social class, crime and deviance, globalization (among other themes). In the process we try to figure whether films are pure entertainment or a medium that plays an important role in how we perceive society.  

FYS 100-03 (10122) Tu/Th 2–3:50 pm Bill Nye the Science Guy, Norman Lear, Sesame Street, EE and Me (Galvez)

An exploration of how we learn, and what we learn through popular television and film. Students will discuss the impact of media on how and what we learn. Dominant themes associated with early childhood development, health communication, and social justice, as portrayed by popular media, will be examined.

FYS 100-04 (Cancelled)

FYS 100-05 (10124) M/W 2–3:50 pm Coke, capitalism, and culture (Auger)

This seminar introduces students to the history of Coca Cola and its effect on national, international, and pop culture. Second only to ‘okay†as the most commonly understood word in the world, Coke’s brand has worldwide influence. Through film, Coca Cola’s website, and a textbook we will explore Coke’s responsiveness to changes in society from the patent medicine era to current concerns about the links between soft drinks and obesity.

FYS 100-06 (10125) Tu/Th 10–11:50 am Sustainability: Sun, Wind, and Earth: A Greener Future (Padmanabhan)

What is sustainability? This course will take you through the concepts of energy consumption, its connection to economic progress and the environmental consequences. You will examine these interconnections through the lenses of science, technology, economics and policy.  You will work with your peers to formulate relevant questions, analyze data, understand numbers and engage in the process of developing solutions.

FYS 100-07 (10126) Tu/Th 10–11:50 am Collapse (Gullapalli)

What happened to the ancient Maya? The Romans? The Mesopotamians? Why did these and other ancient civilizations “collapse� Or did they? In this seminar we learn about these events and discuss the circumstances under which a variety of ancient societies underwent such dramatic changes. Along the way we will also delve into the question of whether or not collapse is inevitable – do all great civilizations eventually have to come to an end?

FYS 100-08 (10127) M/W 8–9:50 am Leadership Study Through the Biography (Kunkel)

This course will look at the dimensions of leadership primarily through the study of biographies and biographical portraits. The class will explore the qualities of various leaders though online sources, print and media. For final projects, students will conduct research as well as read a biography of their choice and share portraits of their subject based on their original research.

FYS 100-09 (10128) M/W 2–3:50 am Coffee – Why Do We Love It?! (Ender)

What is it about the smell of coffee in the morning? What is it about the power of coffee at night? In fact, recent studies show that nearly 2/3 of people living in the US drink coffee on a daily basis. Beyond the US, over 2 billion cups are consumed every day. This seminar will examine cultural, historical, economic, and social perspectives into the popularity of coffee. Students will also have opportunities to interact with local community members who work with coffee. You do not have to be a coffee drinker; but if you are, this will be a course to be in!

FYS 100-10 (10129) M/W 8–9:50 pm Self, Mind, Heart in Eastern Philosophies (Shogenji)

There are deep differences between Eastern and Western understandings of self and related concepts such as mind and heart. This course examines how self, mind, and heart are viewed in Eastern philosophies, and explores implications of these views in goals of life, moral conducts, and social relations. Eastern philosophies to be examined include Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism, and the concepts in these philosophical systems are studied in comparison with their Western counterparts.

FYS 100-11 (10130) Tu/Th 8–9:50 am Design and Technology (McLaughlin)

Technology! We are surrounded by it, but do we understand it? Technology is one of the greatest liberating forces in human history.  We are consumers of technology without equal, but we have a certain lack of knowledge about the materials and processes used to make the things we use on a daily basis. During this seminar, we will research historical technological design and innovations that make our lives better.  The class activities will require us explore the processes of innovation and invention, designing, prototyping, and building simple products. This course will contribute to our understanding of technology.

FYS 100-12 (10131) M/W 6–7:50 pm Performance in First Person: This Is Me! (Pennell)

You are a Primary Resource! Your life stories and experiences are unique, interesting and exciting. This class will explore a variety of methods of journaling, personal narrative/memoire writing and storytelling. It will also involve theatre exercises and methods for presentation. No text required.

FYS 100-13 (10132) M/W 4–5:50 pm Raid the Collections! Research and Storytelling with Library Collections (Barlow)

In this hands-on course, we will investigate a group of unique materials, including artifacts and documents, from the collections of Adams Library. You will be introduced to approaches and debates surrounding how we collect, preserve, and interpret materials in an academic setting. Then you will have an opportunity to apply what you have learned, as we work together to create digital stories–podcasts inspired by the materials and based on original research–for the benefit of the Â鶹ԭ´´ community.

FYS 100-14 (10241) Tu/F 12–1:50 pm Health Communications (Bouchard)

This is a fun, interactive course designed to help you understand health communications today and recognize the impact of communication on the success and failure of health care in society. This seminar will provide you with tools for success in creative ways. You will become familiar with healthcare initiatives and learn to use scholarly resources to research, assess, critically analyze, create, and communicate information to different target groups.

FYS 100-15 (10242) Tu/W 4–5:50 pm Food Rites and Rights (Ramos)

Why do we eat what we eat? Why do Londoners observe teatime and New Yorkers plan their lives around coffee dates? What does food “mean� In this course, we will look at what, why, and how people eat all over the world, along with the rituals surrounding preparing and eating food. We will also explore the idea of food as a way of telling stories, expressing emotions, preserving history, and seeking justice

FYS 100-16 (10243) M/W 4–5:50 pm  El Cambio Climático y Tú (Bazo Vienrich)

En esta clase, los alumnos explorarán cómo el cambio climático impacta a nuestra sociedad. Se les brindará la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre preguntas clave como: ¿Por qué debería interesarme por el cambio climático? y ¿Qué puedo hacer para mitigar el calentamiento global? Entre los temas que abordaremos se incluyen la justicia ambiental y la sustentabilidad. La clase se centrará en las comunidades a las que pertenecen los alumnos, ya sea Rhode Island, sus países de origen o sus comunidades ancestrales, y en los efectos del cambio climático en estas áreas. A través de un enfoque en el aprendizaje experiencial, los alumnos participarán en excursiones y diálogos con líderes comunitarios y expertos que trabajan en la mejora ambiental.

FYS 100-17 (10244) M/W 10–11:50 am Critical Issues in Education (Kunkel)

This seminar provides an overview of critical issues in 21st century public school education policy. Current issues include: vouchers, gender, equity in school finance, reading, integration, affirmative action, critical thinking, multicultural education, national curriculum, values, business, testing, teacher empowerment, mainstreaming, academic freedom, unions, private schooling, and school violence.

FYS 100-18 (10791) M/W 2-3:50 pm Humanity and the Machine: AI’s Evolution from the Silver Screen to the Classroom (Zornado)

This seminar introduces students to the history of Artificial Intelligence as represented in film and various media over the last century. Our work will explore how AI has been imagined, dreamed of, and warned about since it first appeared in movies almost one hundred years ago. We will also explore the practical applications of AI available today to consider the ongoing disruption it poses to our understanding of literacy, research, writing, and academic integrity.  Students will practice evaluating AI generated information critically.

FYS 100-19 (10792) T/Th 8-9:50 am Finding Your Parade: Leadership Where You Least Expect It  (Urda)  JUST ADDED!

Leaders are mostly thought of as political and business heads. But everyone has the potential to lead, regardless of their official status. Anyone may benefit from learning what makes leaders effective and how you can do it, too. Leadership is used in captaining sports teams, presiding over student groups, running meetings, heading families, guiding religious followers, and teaching students. Topics include current leadership theories, personality, emotional intelligence, sources of power, ethical use of power and authority, and other managerial topics that have many personal and professional applications. 

FYS 100-20 (10793) Tu/Th 12–1:50 pm The Art and History of Chinese Writing (Kim)

How and why did ancient people in East Asia start writing? What did they record on animal bones, bronze vessels, and bamboo slips? How can we read and decipher the messages from ancient East Asians? In this seminar, students will examine the origin of characters in East Asia, learn the evolution of characters and writing methods, decipher ancient records, and practice Chinese calligraphy with brush and ink to fully understand the history and art of Chinese writing.

FYS 100-21 M/W 10-11:50 am Make Music from Trash (Sumerlin)

Explore the sound potential of discarded objects or materials. Bang on a can?  Strum a window blind? See what others are doing with junk that can sound like an alternative music, and then find and make your own. No written music or experience required: only play by ear what your own instrument can do. Then join with your classmates in small groups and work out how to play together. The final is a concert.

FYS 100-22 (11436) T/Th 12–1:50 pm Investigating the Black Experience in Rhode Island (Cummings)

From enslavement to present day, Black people have left an indelible mark on Rhode Island history.  Students will examine the experiences of these individuals by engaging with primary sources and material objects from Special Collections in Adams library and the RI Black Heritage Society collection.  The semester will culminate in a student led podcast discussing the learning experience.

FYS 100-23 (11597) M/W 2-3:50 pm   Yin and Yang: The energy of Interconnectedness  (Johnson) JUST ADDED!

How well do you know yourself?  What are some ways to gain self-knowledge through the five elements (water, wood, fire, earth, and metal) and the three treasures (body, consciousness, and spirit)?  We will practice sensing energy, or qi, and nourishing our interconnectedness with others and with nature for healing and relaxation.  In this experiential course, we will learn about the polarities of yin and yang through movement and stillness. This will frame our exploration of what it means to be human—and a Â鶹ԭ´´ college student--in this particular time and place.

FYS 100-24 M/W 10–11:50 am Coke, capitalism, and culture (Auger)

This seminar introduces students to the history of Coca Cola and its effect on national, international, and pop culture. Second only to ‘okay†as the most commonly understood word in the world, Coke’s brand has worldwide influence. Through film, Coca Cola’s website, and a textbook we will explore Coke’s responsiveness to changes in society from the patent medicine era to current concerns about the links between soft drinks and obesity.

FYS 100-25 (11950) M/W 8-9:50 am Coffee – Why Do We Love It? (Ender) 

What is it about the smell of coffee in the morning? What is it about the power of coffee at night? In fact, recent studies show that nearly 2/3 of people living in the US drink coffee on a daily basis. Beyond the US, over 2 billion cups are consumed every day. This seminar will examine cultural, historical, economic, and social perspectives into the popularity of coffee. Students will also have opportunities to interact with local community members who work with coffee. You do not have to be a coffee drinker; but if you are, this will be a course to be in!

FYS 100-26 (11951) T/Th 2-3:50 Black Cinema (Bery)

In this course we will explore Black films across multiple genres, including narrative fiction, horror, Afrofuturism, comedy, musicals, and documentaries. Black Cinema is not monolithic; it explores Black life from multiple perspectives. These cinematic representations foreground what is silenced and made invisible by dominant mainstream cinema. Through creativity and imagination Black films create new ways of seeing and knowing. Our weekly discussions and collaborative work will be guided by interviews with Black filmmakers, critical film reviews, scholarship on Black Cinema, and student and audience responses.  Students will also have the opportunity to create a short film on our topic.

FYS 100-27 (11983) M/W 2-3:50 pm Exploring Cultural Landscapes: Placing Power, Symbolism, and Identity, (Dixon)

They say a picture is worth a thousand words; the same visual literacy that is used to understand, analyze, and critique pictures is needed as we examine places.  Places manifest power, symbolism and identity.  We will evaluate what the cultural landscape that a society creates says about it, and how public spaces are used to shape communal identities.  In this course, students will explore symbolism and meaning embedded in cultural landscapes, both everyday places close to home and internationally iconic landscapes.  

FYS100-28 (11985)  M/W 10-12 Environment and Media in the Election Era, (Little)

This course explores contemporary environmental issues—including sustainability, natural resource development, human conflict, and climate change—through the lens of the 2024 election season. This seminar engages students in analyzing how various media sources—news, social media, and political ads—present and influence public perception of these topics. Emphasizing media literacy, the course examines the impact of popular media, advertising, and social media on public opinion, as well as how bias, "spin," and rhetoric shape ideologies and policy discussions. Through collaborative projects, students will develop a deeper understanding of how media and politics intersect with environmental issues, fostering informed and engaged citizenship.

FYS 100-29 (12003) T/Th 8-10 am Mountains of Culture and Power, (Hewins)

Mountains are powerful. They are places of spirituality and worship. They are the focus of sport and adventure. Mountains are primary sources of fresh water for our world’s growing population. Mountains are also sites of mining, resource extraction, and cultural resistance. Mountains are places of power and danger, nourishment and surprise, peace and resistance. Mountains are awesome! Let’s explore their awesomeness!

Program Information

What is FYS?

First Year Seminar is part of Â鶹ԭ´´'s General Education Program, and is a required class for all first year students at the College.

What makes First Year Seminars special?

First Year Seminars provide you with a great opportunity to explore a fascinating subject with a full-time faculty member and a small group of your classmates. The class size (no more than twenty students) and intensity of the work fosters lasting connections with faculty and other students. Plus, you get to hone academic skills crucial to success at college and beyond.

What can I expect to do in my First Year Seminar?

  • Explore the academic world. Read the most recent scholarship on a topic. Join others in addressing topics from disciplines across the College.
  • Connect with scholars. Work closely with other first year students and a full-time Â鶹ԭ´´ professor. Make connections that can last a lifetime.
  • ​Expand horizons. Pose questions, identify solutions, and communicate your newfound knowledge to others.

Are there specific academic skills that I can expect to polish in this class?

In your First Year Seminar, you will sharpen skills that will be crucial in your studies at the College, and in your life beyond: critical and creative thinking, effective oral and written communication, group collaboration, and the ability to research efficiently and ethically.

The FYS topic I’m interested in seems pretty advanced. Are you sure that that I am qualified to take the class?

Each First Year Seminar is designed for students with no previous knowledge in the field. So, for example, if you are interested in a physics based class, but have no background in physics, have no fear. The class will be designed to provide whatever introduction is necessary for in-depth discussion.

When do I have to take FYS?

All First Year Students (those entering the College with 23 or fewer credits transferred from another college) must complete a First Year Seminar in one of their first two semesters on the campus.

What if I am a second or third year Â鶹ԭ´´ student? May I still enroll in a First Year Seminar?

Unfortunately, First Year Seminars are only open to first year students. If you are interested in a particular topic, please feel free to contact the professor to see if she or he will be looking at similar material in other classes.

Who do I contact if I have any other questions?

Please direct any questions to the First Year Seminar Coordinator, Dr. Leslie Schuster​â¶Ä‹.​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹

Where can I get academic help?

Do you have other questions or concerns?

Please direct any questions to the First-Year Seminar Coordinator, Dr. Leslie Schuster.

About FYS

This innovative and important program is designed to introduce first year students to both the challenges of academic engagement and the pleasures of belonging to the Â鶹ԭ´´ community of scholars. We hope that students will remember their First Year Seminar course as one of the most important classes in their college careers.

FYS 100 is an opportunity for faculty members to pursue a personal interest or passion that may or may not be directly connected to their usual areas of academic expertise or pedagogy. Professors are encouraged to think creatively to construct projects and experiences so that students will not merely be the recipients of knowledge, but will be actively engaged in the learning process. Because the course is open only to first or second semester students, the instruction should be targeted at that level, and cannot assume prerequisite skills or knowledge.

First Year Seminars Should
  • engage students in academic conversation
  • offer students opportunities to work collaboratively with others
  • guide students in constructing academic questions
  • introduce students to college-level academic writing and speaking
  • help students begin to learn how to evaluate all information critically, including its sources and authority; to recognize quality of material or point of view; and to respond to quality of material and/or point of view
  • provide incoming students with academic role models
  • establish standards of academic behavior and college expectations
  • teach skills and introduce Â鶹ԭ´´ resources organically throughout the class as they become relevant
  • Provide support for the transition from high school to college
  • Encourage connections among the students, with faculty, with the College, and with the broader community
FYS Should Not
  • be dominated almost entirely by lecture
  • be online or hybrid courses. (Blackboard, however, may certainly be used as a tool for student engagement)
  • be introductions to a discipline or a survey of a field
  • use exams, whether mid-term or final
  • require "term papers" or other lengthy, research-based essays
Teaching First-Year Students

While developing the course, professors should remind themselves that these students are inexperienced with the academic world, but that they are very excited about being a part of it and are willing to work hard to succeed. Some may see the College as a place for a fresh start, where they can develop skills with which they may have struggled in high school. FYS is designed to channel that excitement into an active and informed participation in academic discourse. At the end of the First Year Seminar, students should feel a sense of pride and accomplishment for tackling a rigorous class successfully.

Course Format and Assignments

Creative assignments, including field experiences and assignments that make imaginative use of technology or ask students to engage in service, are welcomed. Professors should be aware of their own pedagogical strengths, and centralize those strengths for this class. Each FYS course should be designed to introduce students to the General Education Outcomes listed below, with assignments and activities designed to help students begin to master these outcomes. Help and advice are available both from the First Year Seminar Coordinator and from the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning (FCTL).

General Education Outcomes Associated with FYS: 

All the outcomes should be considered at the introductory level. So, for example, for the research and information literacy outcome, FYS is following the example of First Year Writing and focusing on helping students to understand that research is an iterative process. In FYS, students should begin to learn how to evaluate all information critically, including its sources and authority; to recognize quality of material and/or point of view; and to respond to quality of material and/or point of view.

  • collaborative work
  • critical and creative thinking
  • oral communication​
  • research and information literacy
  • written communication
Â鶹ԭ´´ entrance

First-Year Seminar Coordinator