Behavioral Neuroscience Minor

Human Brain image from Pixabay

Neuroscience is an inherently interdisciplinary enterprise spanning from molecular to behavioral science. In an increasingly complex and competitive world the undergraduate study of behavioral neuroscience emphasizes the interdependent nature of science and allows students to draw knowledge from diverse fields in order to better understand and address our greatest social, biological and ethical challenges. The behavioral neuroscience minor seeks to prepare students for diverse careers or graduate study in fields related to behavior and brain function. Students graduating with a minor in behavioral neuroscience in combination with degrees in psychology, biology, chemistry, computer science or others may choose to pursue careers in biotechnology, consulting, medicine, pharmaceutical and/or medical industry, public health, research or teaching.

Behavioral Neuroscience Minor Program Goals:

  • Promote a culture of academic excellence in the study of brain and behavioral science.
  • Demonstrate the interdependent nature of science.
  • Promote critical and integrative thinking.
  • Facilitate an understanding of the scientific enterprise in the context of social, biomedical and ethical challenges.
  • Prepare students for graduate or professional careers in neuroscience related fields.