ࡱ> -2,_ bjbj 4r=\r=\ +ppppp8 ACCCCCC$phgpgpp|LppAAL F-0_p4gg> 6: Students Name: Name of Meeting: Date of Meeting: March 8, 2011 Purpose of the Meeting: Clearly state the goals and objectives; identify any underlying or unstated goals and objectives for the meeting. State your reason for attending this meeting. Macro Intervention Plan: In relation to the meeting and the corresponding goals and objectives, identify and describe the macro intervention plan used and how it was implemented. What was the process? What steps did you take to help formulate the plan? How did you prepare? If this was an attended meeting, did an intervention plan appear to be in place? If so, describe what you can identify. If not, what would you have done? Identifying Macro Skills: Identify and describe the use of the macro-level skill(s) used during the process. Do not describe the plan. Highlight the macro skills used by you, the facilitator, or attendees. What skills would have been appropriate to have been used? Micro Skills/ Use of Self: Identify and describe the use of the micro-level skill(s) and how it was implemented. What foundation year practice skills did you use? How did you engage with the community, group, organization, etc? What micro-level skills can you identify that were used by the main speaker/facilitator of the group? What made them effective/ineffective? Gut-level Reactions to Process: Describe how you were feeling as the meeting was taking place. Describe how you feel the group felt or reacted to the macro intervention plan and your use of self or the main speakers use of self. Evaluation: Do you believe the original objective was accomplished? Why or why not? Is there anything that you would do differently to improve the outcome? Describe both micro and macro level factors that may have had an impact, felt or observed. Self-Analysis: Describe any areas of anxiety or vulnerability felt by you during the meeting. Describe any factors that had an impact on your behavior, i.e., group composition, personal anxiety, unpreparedness, community factors, topic, etc. Personal and Professional Development: Identify any areas of improvement needed at the macro and micro levels. Where could you use more direction and instruction or critical feedback? Do you feel like you were prepared? Have you began to conceptualize a plan for improvement personally (micro use of self) or professionally? If so, please describe. How can your Field Instructor assist you in this process? 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