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Evidence: Lesson plan may include program specific information as described below:: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveIn planning, educator makes content errors.Educator is familiar with the important concepts in the discipline, but may display lack of awareness of how these concepts relate to one another.Educator displays solid knowledge of the important concepts in the discipline and how these relate to one another and to 21st century skills.Educator displays knowledge of the important concepts in the discipline and how these relate both to one another and to other disciplines and to 21st century skills.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IneffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, INTASC : 4,5SPA Standard (Name Your SPA) 1.1b. Knowledge of Students1.1b. Evidence Lesson plan may include program specific information as described below:: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducator displays little or no knowledge of students skills, knowledge, language proficiency, backgrounds, and/or medical needs. Educator displays knowledge of students skills, knowledge, language proficiency, backgrounds, and/or medical needs, but only for the class as a whole. Educator tracks students skills, knowledge, language proficiency, backgrounds and/or medical needs, and displays this knowledge for groups of students in order to determine growth over time. Educator understands and tracks individual students skills, knowledge, language proficiency, and/or medical needs, and has a strategy for maintaining such information in order to determine growth over time for each student.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IneffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, INTASC Standards: 1,2SPA Standard (Name Your SPA) Component 1.2: Establishing Instructional Outcomes 1.2. Evidence: Lesson plan may include program specific information as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveOutcomes do not reflect the appropriate standards, set low expectations for students, lack rigor, and/or only include one type of learning. Outcomes are stated as activities rather than as student learning. Outcomes reflect the appropriate standards. Expectations and rigor are inconsistent and are suitable for most of the students in the class. Outcomes are written as a combination of student learning and activities. Outcomes reflect the appropriate standards, set rigorous expectations for students and include different types of learning according to varying needs of groups of students. All the instructional outcomes are clear, written in the form of student learning. Outcomes reflect the appropriate standards, set rigorous expectations for students and include different types of learning according to varying needs of individual students. All the instructional outcomes are clear, written in the form of student learning and represent opportunities for both coordination and integration with other disciplines. OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IneffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5INTASC Standards: 1,2, 4, 5, 7SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)Component 1.3: Designing Coherent Instruction1.3a Learning Activities, Lesson Structure & Content-Related Pedagogy1.3a. Evidence: Lesson plan may include program specific information as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveLearning activities are not suitable to instructional outcomes, do not include a range of pedagogical approaches, and are not designed to engage students. The lesson has no clearly defined structure, and/or time allocations are unrealistic. Learning activities are inconsistent in their suitability to the instructional outcomes and represent little cognitive challenge. Learning activities include a limited range of effective pedagogical approaches and are not differentiated. The lesson has a recognizable structure, although the structure is not uniformly maintained throughout. Progression of activities is uneven, with unreasonable time allocations.Learning activities are suitable to the instructional outcomes, include a range of effective pedagogical approaches and cognitive challenge. Activities are differentiated for groups of students, help students construct content knowledge and build 21st Century Skills. The lesson has a clearly defined structure with even progression of activities and reasonable time allocations.Learning activities are suitable to the instructional outcomes, include a range of effective pedagogical approaches and cognitive challenge. Activities are differentiated for individual students, help students construct content knowledge and build 21st Century Skills. The lesson has a clearly defined structure with even progression of activities and reasonable time allocations, allowing for different pathways according to diverse student needs.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IneffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5INTASC Standards: 1,2, 4, 5, 7SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)  1.3b. Instructional materials / resources1.3b. Evidence: Lesson plan may include program specific information as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveMaterials, technology, and resources being used do not support the instructional outcomes nor engage students in meaningful learning.Some of the materials, technology, and resources being used support the instructional outcomes, and engage students in meaningful learning.Materials, technology, and resources being used support the instructional outcomes, and are designed to engage students in meaningful learning.Materials, technology, and resources being used support the instructional outcomes, and are designed to engage students in meaningful learning, including student participation in selecting or adapting materials.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IneffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5INTASC Standards: 1,2, 7SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)1.3c. Instructional Groups1.3c. Evidence: Lesson plan may include program specific information as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveInstructional groups do not support the instructional outcomes.Instructional groups support the instructional outcomes, with an effort at providing some variety as appropriate to the students and the different instructional outcomes.Instructional groups are varied as appropriate to the students and the different instructional outcomes.Instructional groups are varied as appropriate to the students and the different instructional outcomes. There is evidence of the use of data and/or student choice in selecting the different patterns of instructional groups.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 INTASC Standards: 1,2, 7SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)1.4 Designing Student Assessment 1.4 Evidence: Lesson plan may include program specific information as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducators plan for student assessment is not aligned with the instructional outcomes.Educators plan for student assessment is aligned with the instructional outcomes, but is limited to either formative or summative assessments, and/or lacks clear criteria and expectations. Educator identifies a plan to use assessment results to plan for future instruction for the class as a whole. Educators plan for student assessment is aligned with the instructional outcomes, has been adapted for groups of students, and includes both formative and summative assessments with clear criteria and expectations. Educator identifies plan to use assessment results to plan for future instruction for groups of students.Educators plan for student assessment is aligned with the instructional outcomes, has been adapted for individual students, as needed, and includes both formative and summative assessments with clear criteria and expectations. Educator identifies plan to use assessment results to plan future instruction for individual students. OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 4, 5, 9 INTASC Standards: 2, 8,6SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)STANDARD 2: Educational EnvironmentComponent 2.1: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport2.1a Educator Interaction with Students2.1a. Evidence: Lesson plan may include program specific information as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducator-student interactions with at least some students are negative or inappropriate.Educator-student interactions are generally appropriate, positive and respectful, but may reflect occasional inconsistencies. Educator-student interactions are appropriate, positive and respectful. Educator-student interactions are appropriate, positive and respectful to groups of students as well as individuals. OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 5, 6INTASC Standards: 8, 3SPA Standard (Name Your SPA) 2.1b Student Interactions with One Another2.1b. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducator does not model nor encourage appropriate interactions particularly when student interactions are impolite or disrespectful. Educator is inconsistent in modeling and/or encouraging appropriate interactions, particularly when students interactions are impolite or disrespectful. OR Student interactions are generally polite and respectful.Educator models and/or encourages appropriate interactions, particularly when students interactions are impolite or disrespectful. OR Student interactions are polite and respectful whether directly monitored by an educator or not.Educator models and/or encourages student interactions that demonstrate respect for one another. Students monitor each others treatment of peers, correcting classmates respectfully when needed.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 5, 6INTASC Standards: 8, 3SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)Component 2.2: Establishing a Culture for Learning2.2a Importance of the Content2.2a. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducator does not communicate the importance of the content and/or conveys a negative attitude toward the contentEducator communicates importance of the content. Educator communicates importance of the content using real-world connections.Educator AND students communicate importance of the content using real-world connections.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9INTASC Standards: 4, 5SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)2.2b Expectations for Learning and Achievement 2.2b. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducator conveys low expectations for student learning and achievement for at least some students.Educator conveys modest expectations for student learning and achievement.Educator conveys high expectations for student learning and achievement.Educator conveys high expectations for student learning and achievement. Students verbalize and/or demonstrate their understanding of the expectations.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9INTASC Standards: 1, 2, 7SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)Component 2.3: Managing Classroom Procedures2.3a Management of Instructional Groups 2.3a. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducators management of instructional groups does not promote active student participation. Educators management of instructional groups ensures that some students actively participate.Educators management of instructional groups ensures that all students actively participate.Educators management of instructional groups ensures that all students actively participate and support each other in achieving the outcomes of the lesson.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 6INTASC Standards: 3SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)2.3b Management of Transitions 2.3b. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveTransitions are chaotic with significant loss of instructional time.Transitions are uneven resulting in some loss of instructional time.Transitions are efficient, with minimal loss of instructional time.Transitions are seamless, with students assuming some responsibility in ensuring their efficient operation.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 6INTASC Standards: 3SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)2.3c Management of Materials And Supplies2.3c. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveManagement of materials and supplies is inefficient, resulting in significant loss of instructional time.Management of materials and supplies is uneven resulting in some loss of instructional time.Management of materials and supplies is efficient with little loss of instructional time.Management of materials and supplies is efficient with little loss of instructional time with students assuming some responsibility.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 6INTASC Standards: 3SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)Component 2.4: Managing Student Behavior2.4a Behavioral Expectations2.4a. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveNo evidence that standards of conduct and consequences have been established or communicated to students.Standards of conduct have been established and communicated and appear to be clear to students. Standards of conduct and consequences have been established and communicated and appear to be clear to students. Standards of conduct and consequences have been established and communicated to students. Students have participated in their development.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 6INTASC Standards: 3SPA Standard (Name Your SPA) 2.4b Responding to Student Misbehavior 2.4b. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducators response to student misbehavior is inappropriate. OR Educator does not respond to student misbehavior.Educators response to student misbehavior is inconsistent. Educators response to student misbehavior is appropriate, consistent and timely. Educators response to student misbehavior is appropriate, consistent, timely and successful. OR No student misbehavior is observed.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 6INTASC Standards: 3SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)STANDARD 3: Instruction/Service DeliveryComponent 3.1: Communicating With Students3.1a Expectations for Learning3.1a. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducator does not explain the instructional purpose. Educator explains the instructional purpose of the lesson or unit, attempting to communicate where it is situated within broader learning. Educator explains the instructional purpose of the lesson or unit, linking to broader authentic learning, appropriate standards or 21st century skills expectations. Educator explains how students will demonstrate their learning.Educator clearly explains the instructional purpose of the lesson or unit, linking to broader authentic learning, appropriate standards and 21st century skills expectations. Educator explains how students will demonstrate their learning with exemplars to guide student achievement.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 8INTASC Standards: 8SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)3.1b Directions and Procedures3.1b. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducator directions and procedures are confusing.Educator directions and procedures are clarified after initial confusion.Educator directions and procedures are clear.Educator directions and procedures are clear, complete, and anticipate possible misunderstanding.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 8INTASC Standards: 8SPA Standard (Name Your SPA) 3.1c Explanation of Content3.1c. Evidence Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducators explanation of the content is incorrect.  Educators explanation of content is clear and correct but does not make a connection with students knowledge, experience, appropriate standards or 21st century skills expectations.Educators explanation of content is clear and correct and connects with students knowledge, experience, appropriate standards or 21st century skills expectations.Educators explanation of content is clear and correct and connects with students knowledge, experience, appropriate standards or 21st century skills expectations. Students contribute to explaining content to their peers.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 2,8INTASC Standards: 4,8SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)Component 3.2: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques3.2a Quality of Questions 3.2a. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducators questions require only low cognitive challenge and single or limited responses. Educators questions are appropriate to the content although they cover only a limited range of skills and knowledge. Educators questions are appropriate to the content and cover a range of skills and knowledge. Questions are constructed to include higher order thinking and engage students in further discussion. Educators questions are appropriate to the content and cover a range of skills and knowledge. Questions are constructed to include higher order thinking and engage students in further discussion. Students formulate their own questions to advance understanding. OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 5,8 INTASC Standards: 8SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)3.2b Delivery Techniques 3.2b. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducator does not deliver questions using techniques that require students to engage cognitively and prepare to respond to the question. Questions may be asked in rapid succession without appropriate wait time.Educator does not consistently deliver questions using techniques that require students to engage cognitively and prepare to respond to the question. Some questions may be asked in rapid succession and/or without appropriate wait time.Educator delivers questions using techniques that require students to engage cognitively and prepare to respond to the question while providing sufficient wait time.Educator delivers questions using techniques that require students to engage cognitively and prepare to respond to the question while providing sufficient wait time. Students respond to questions with evidence of their understanding.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 5,8 INTASC Standards: 7,8SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)3.2c Discussion Techniques 3.2c. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducator makes little attempt to engage students in an authentic discussion and/or the educator and a few students dominate the discussion.Educator makes some attempt to engage students in an authentic discussion with uneven results.Educator creates an authentic discussion among students, using instructional and questioning techniques that successfully engage students in the discussion, stepping aside when appropriate. Educator creates an authentic discussion among students, using instructional and questioning techniques that successfully engage students in the discussion, stepping aside when appropriate. Students ensure that all voices and ideas are heard in the discussion.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 5,8 INTASC Standards: 7,8SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)Component 3.3: Engaging Student in Learning3.3a Projects, Activities and Assignments3.3a. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveProjects, activities and assignments lack challenge, are inappropriate, or do not cognitively engage students. Projects, activities and assignments are inconsistent in challenging and cognitively engaging students.Projects, activities and assignments are appropriately challenging for all students, require 21st century skills, and cognitively engage students. Projects, activities, and assignments are appropriately challenging for all students, require 21st century skills, and cognitively engage student in complex learning.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 5,6INTASC Standards: 7,8SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)3.3b Instructional Materials, and Technologies 3.3b. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveInstructional materials and technologies are inappropriate for the instructional purpose.Instructional materials and technologies are partially appropriate for the instructional purpose.Instructional materials and technologies are appropriate to the instructional purpose, and are differentiated as appropriate.Instructional materials and technologies are appropriate to the instructional purpose, and are differentiated as appropriate. Students initiate the choice, adaptation, or creation of materials to enhance their learning and build understanding.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 5,6,8INTASC Standards: 7,8, 3SPA Standard (Name Your SPA) Component 3.4: Using Assessment in Instruction3.4a Assessment Criteria3.4a. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducator does not convey the criteria by which students work will be evaluated.Educator inconsistently conveys the criteria by which students work will be evaluated.Educator clearly conveys the criteria by which students work will be evaluated including providing exemplars to guide student achievement. Educator clearly conveys the criteria by which students work will be evaluated and students have contributed to the development of the criteria and/or creation of exemplars to guide student achievement. OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 5,6,9INTASC Standards: 7, 8, 3, 6SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)3.4b Monitoring Student Learning3.4b. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducator does not monitor student learning. Educator uses formative assessment strategies to monitor student learning for the class as a whole. Educator uses formative assessment strategies to monitor student learning and uncover misunderstandings for groups of students within the class.Educator uses formative assessment strategies, including self and/or peer-assessments to monitor student learning and uncover misunderstandings for individual students. OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 5,6,9INTASC Standards: 7, 8, 3, 6SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)3.4.c Providing Feedback to Students3.4c. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducators feedback to students is limited, infrequent and/or irrelevant, resulting in no advancement in learning.Educators feedback to students is general and/or infrequent resulting in minimal advancement in learning. Educators feedback to students is, timely, frequent, and specific, providing individual students with specific direction and information to help advance learning.Educators feedback to students is timely, frequent, and specific, providing individual students with direction and information to help advance learning. Students make use of the feedback in revising and improving their work. OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 5,6,9INTASC Standards: 7, 8, 3, 6SPA Standard (Name Your SPA) STANDARD 4: Professional Growth & ResponsibilitiesComponent 4.1: Reflecting on Practice4.1 Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducator does not reflect on their strength and areas for growth. OR Educator reflects on their strength and areas for growth, but does not identify any practices that they would address differently in the future.Educator reflects on their strengths and areas for growth, identifying general practices that they may address differently in the future.Educator reflects on their strengths and areas for growth, identifying specific practices that they would address differently in the future.Educator reflects on their strengths and areas for growth, identifying specific practices that they would address differently in the future complete with the probable success of different courses of action.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 10INTASC Standards: 9SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)Component 4.2: Communicating with Families4.2 Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducators professional communications with families are limited, infrequent and/or irrelevant.Educators professional communications with families are general and/or infrequent. Educators professional communications with families are timely, frequent, and specific, providing individual student progress with specific direction and information to help advance learning. Educator attempts to engage families in two-way communication. Educators professional communications with families are timely, frequent, and specific, providing individual student progress with specific direction and information to help advance learning. Educator attempts to engage families in two-way communication and involve families in the school community.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 7, 11INTASC Standards: 9, 10SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)Component 4.3: Showing Professionalism4.3a Maintaining Accurate Records4.3a. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducator does not maintain information on student completion of assignments, student progress in learning, and non-instructional records.Educator is inconsistent in maintaining information on student completion of assignments, student progress in learning, and non-instructional records.Educator maintains information on student completion of assignments, student progress in learning, and non-instructional records in a timely manner.Educator maintains information on student completion of assignments, student progress in learning, and non-instructional records in a timely manner. Educator regularly shares data with students as appropriate.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS ,9INTASC Standards: 6SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)4.3b Commitment to Professional Standards4.3b. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducator does not comply with school and district regulations, policies, and contractual language. Educator does not comply with State and Federal Law and Regulations including but not limited to IEP, 504 plans, AIS services, RTI, FERPA, and HIPPA.Educator complies minimally with school and district regulations, policies, and contractual language. Educator complies minimally with school State and Federal Law and Regulations including but not limited to IEP, 504 plans, AIS services, RTI, FERPA, and HIPPA. Educator complies fully with school and district regulations, policies, and contractual language. Educator complies with State and Federal Law and Regulations including, but not limited to, IEP, 504 plans, AIS services, RTI, FERPA, and HIPPA. Educator complies fully with school and district regulations, policies, and contractual language, taking a leadership role with colleagues. Educator complies fully with State and Federal Law and Regulations including but not limited to IEP, 504 plans, AIS services, RTI, FERPA, and HIPPA. Educator stays current on the standards of their profession beyond their LEA.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 7, 11INTASC Standards: 9, 10SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)Component 4.4: Growing & Developing Professionally4.4a Growing and Developing in a Professional Learning Community4.4a. Evidence: Observations may include program specific observations as described below: IneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEducator does not engage in a professional learning community. Educator minimally engages in a professional learning community by seeking out current, targeted professional development opportunities.Educator actively engages in a professional learning community by using feedback to identify areas of growth, seeking out current, targeted professional development opportunities that are aligned to school/district initiatives. Educator actively engages in a professional learning community by using feedback to identify areas of growth, seeking out current, targeted professional development opportunities that are aligned to school/district initiatives. Educator takes a leadership role in promoting professional development opportunities for their colleagues.OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 7, 10INTASC Standards: 9, 10SPA Standard (Name Your SPA) 4.4b Evidence for Approval of Professional Growth Goal4.4b. Evidence: *Evidence comes directly from PGGIneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveThe Professional Growth Goal is not submitted OR is missing any of the following pieces: S Specific: The educator clearly identifies the skill or knowledge to be enhanced M Measureable: There is a clear source of evidence for measuring the completion of action steps/plans A Attainable: Action steps/plan describe the steps and strategies to be completed R Relevant: Connection to the Professional Practice rubric and/or district initiatives is stated T Time Bound The length of time for attaining the goal is identified The Professional Growth Goal does not fully address the following pieces: S Specific: The educator clearly identifies the skill or knowledge to be enhanced M Measureable: There is a clear source of evidence for measuring the completion of action steps/plans A Attainable: Action steps/plan describe the steps and strategies to be completed R Relevant: Connection to the Professional Practice rubric and/or district initiatives is stated T Time Bound The length of time for attaining the goal is identified The Professional Growth Goal fully addresses the following pieces: S Specific: The educator clearly identifies the skill or knowledge to be enhanced M Measureable: There is a clear source of evidence for measuring the completion of action steps/plans A Attainable: Action steps/plan describe the steps and strategies to be completed R Relevant: Connection to the Professional Practice rubric and/or district initiatives is stated T Time Bound The length of time for attaining the goal is identified The Professional Growth Goal fully addresses the following pieces: S Specific: The educator clearly identifies the skill or knowledge to be enhanced M Measureable: There is a clear source of evidence for measuring the completion of action steps/plans A Attainable: Action steps/plan describe the steps and strategies to be completed R Relevant: Connection to the Professional Practice rubric and/or district initiatives is stated T Time Bound The length of time for attaining the goal is identified PLUS Benchmarks for gauging progress partway through the year are included OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 7,9,10,11INTASC Standards:9, 10SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)4.4c Evidence for Attainment of Professional Growth Goal4.4c. Evidence: *Evidence comes directly from PGG Results/SummaryIneffectiveDevelopingEffectiveHighly EffectiveEvidence provided indicates little/no progress of the PGG Action Plan.Evidence provided indicates some progress with the PGG Action Plan.Evidence provided indicates sufficient progress of the PGG Action Plan.Evidence provided indicates completion of the PGG Action Plan. OPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of IOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of DevelopingOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of EffectiveOPTIONAL: Program specific clarification of Highly EffectiveStandards Linked to this Component: RIPTS 10INTASC Standards: 9SPA Standard (Name Your SPA)     RI ICEs- Guidance  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 RI ICEE Observation Blank Guidance for FSEHD Programs 11.2017 RI-ICEE Guidance Rhode Island Innovation Consortium Educator Evaluation (RI-ICEE) [Guidance for Name the Program]  &'(ghio̽̽뮜n]L8&h<hXL5>*CJOJQJ^JaJ hXL5>*CJOJQJ^JaJ h\ hXLCJOJQJ^JaJ,hS\hXL5B*CJOJQJ^JaJph,hS\hXL5B*CJOJQJ^JaJph#h<hXL5CJOJQJ^JaJhXL5CJOJQJ^JaJhXL5CJ(OJQJ^JaJ#hsohXL5CJ(OJQJ^JaJh\ hOJQJ^J h\ hXLjh?UmHnHu'(hZkd$$IflL+L,  t 6  0L,644 lae4p yt<<$& #$/Ifb$gdgdgd[hizd<<$& #$/Ifb$gdkd$$IflL+L,  t 6  0L,644 lae4p ytzhS & F$& #$/Ifb$gd$& #$/Ifb$gdkd$$IflL+L,   t 6  I}0L,644 lae4p I}yt  N P a    0 ? @ ࿫}o_oRB5Bh`i6@CJ\aJhh6@CJ\aJh9 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