College is Meant to be a Journey of Self-Discovery, Said ΒιΆΉΤ­΄΄ AVPs

Tamika and Ducha

From left: Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students Tamika Wordlow and Associate Vice President of Student Services Ducha Hang

To support the retention and completion of all ΒιΆΉΤ­΄΄ students, ΒιΆΉΤ­΄΄ has hired Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students Tamika Wordlow and Associate Vice President of Student Services Ducha Hang ’15 β€‹under the Division of Student Success. ​In a private interview, Wordlow and Hang shared their visions for ΒιΆΉΤ­΄΄.

β€œI envision ΒιΆΉΤ­΄΄ as a place where students can β€˜see’ themselves, that is, be their authentic selves,” Wordlow said. β€œWhen I applied for this position, one of the things that really resonated with me is the diversity on this campus. You don’t find that at a lot of institutions. This is something that ΒιΆΉΤ­΄΄ stands in front of, promotes, places action behind and makes transparent. I want to be very intentional about promoting programs, services and policies that celebrate the various backgrounds and viewpoints of ΒιΆΉΤ­΄΄β€™s diverse student body.”

Hang added that much of ΒιΆΉΤ­΄΄β€™s student body are first-generation college students struggling with identity. Hang herself is a first-generation ΒιΆΉΤ­΄΄ grad whose parents were Hmong refugees. She said, β€œAs a first-generation college student, you live in two different cultures. There is that intergenerational conflict between traditional values at home and the culture of the campus environment.”

β€œMy vision is to create a first-year experience that not only helps students find out how to navigate the college campus, knowing where to go, but also a first-year experience that helps them explore who they are,” she said. β€œAt the end of their college experience, our students will be able to articulate who they are based on their experiences at ΒιΆΉΤ­΄΄ and articulate how they intend to align their career with making their communities a better place. Ultimately, the purpose of education is to service one’s community.”

Wordlow oversees the Counseling Center, Greek life, Health Services, the ΒιΆΉΤ­΄΄ McNair Project, the Preparatory Enrollment Program, Student Activities, Student Community Government, Student Union, Upward Bound and the Veterans Resource Center. 

Hang oversees​ the Career Development Center, First-Year Experience, Learning for Life, New Student Orientation and the Office of Academic Support and Information Services.

Both Wordlow and Hang report to Vice President for Student Success Jason Meriwether.